Sitting still is not my strong point and I will probably turn a hundred years old (if I get that lucky) before I can master an hours meditation without twitching. I therefore may be a less than ideal yoga teacher material- BUT I love to move, I am enthusiastic to explore my own limits and find ways to overcome them- preferably safely. As much as I love being within my own body I equally take enormous pleasure to assist my clients to expand their ranges.
A fellow yoga teacher exposed me to Functional Range conditioning when I was overcoming a shoulder injury some time back. In November I went to London to attend a Functional Range Conditioning seminar and saw so many benefits and applications in my yoga teaching that I followed it up with Kinstretch Seminar this month and have just passed the exam (big thank you to the clients who agreed to be filmed for this).
Watch this space as I plan to Kinstretch classes in due course.